Where is God in American Politics?
We claim, we Christians, that our God is everywhere. He is omnipotent and omni-present, too big to be imagined and always with us. This week I’m in the news. I’m watching Christine Blasey Ford testify on C-SPAN and then reading about Anita Hill on Wikipedia. I’m watching history repeat itself and hearing my Christian brothers and sisters say things like “We have to love the accuser and the accused” “Leave judgment to God” “We are praying for Brett and his family” And, behind closed doors, “He’s pro-life” and “What does it matter? Nothing happened in the end?” Where is God in these times and these manners? In us, purportedly his people? I sincerely doubt he’s in the temple “praying for Brett and his family.” He showed up to temples for confrontations with the religious elites of his time, reminding them that their suppositions were out of line with his true nature. Reminding them that the Brett Kavanaugh’s they love so much are not the people he came...